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Hemelingen: Zigarettenautomaten gesprengt

Unbekannte zerstören Zigarettenautomaten in Burglesum und Hemelingen durch Explosionen. Kriminalpolizei ermittelt, hoher Sachschaden entstanden.

Foto: unsplash

Bremen (ost)

In Burglesum and Hemelingen, unknown individuals destroyed two cigarette vending machines through explosive detonations, causing significant property damage. The criminal police are investigating both cases.

In Helsingborger Straße, a cigarette vending machine attached to a house wall was destroyed by an explosion. This resulted in considerable damage to the adjacent house wall and a glass pane. Debris from the machine spread in a radius of about 8 to 10 meters. Cigarettes and cash were completely stolen. Another incident occurred on New Year’s Day in Drillstraße around 7:45 pm. A resident heard a loud bang and then observed three darkly dressed individuals removing cigarette packs from a damaged vending machine. The trio fled unrecognized before the police arrived. Here too, an explosion is suspected.

The Bremen police urgently warn of the danger of homemade explosive devices, which are often used in conjunction with illegal New Year’s Eve fireworks. Even slight mechanical or thermal influences can cause such explosives to detonate and cause serious injuries. Furthermore, such explosive devices fall under the Weapons and Explosives Act, which can result in prison sentences of six months to five years.

Witnesses who can provide relevant information about the perpetrators are asked to contact the Criminal Investigation Department at the telephone number 0421 362-3888.

Quelle: Presseportal
